
Computer controlled systems (2019)

Official website of the course

Lecture notes of the seminar

hw_1_2019.pdf1692 days40.3 KB
hw_2_2019.pdf1683 days36.77 KB
hw_3_2019.pdf1668 days189.57 KB
Lecture slides
lec_01_2019.pdf1708 days4.92 MB
lec_02_2019.pdf1702 days461.3 KB
lec_03_2019.pdf1689 days905.26 KB
lec_04_2019.pdf1687 days401.72 KB
lec_05_2019.pdf1681 days1009.69 KB
lec_06_2019.pdf1673 days1.3 MB
lec_07_2019.pdf1667 days1.63 MB
lec_08_2019.pdf1652 days1.09 MB
lec_09_2019.pdf1646 days1.03 MB
Seminars (1st midterm)
sem_01_2019.pdf1695 days114.78 KB
sem_02_2019.pdf1707 days107.51 KB
sem_03_2019.pdf1694 days141.71 KB
sem_04_2019.pdf1694 days340.58 KB
sem_05_2019.pdf1683 days252.81 KB
Seminars (2nd midterm)
sem_06_2019.pdf1651 days347.98 KB
sem_06_2019_TP_matlab.zip1285 days28.71 KB
sem_08_2019_matlab1.pdf1645 days311.2 KB
sem_08_2019_matlab1.zip1285 days4.26 KB
sem_08_2019_matlab1_sol.zip1285 days4.44 KB
sem_09_2019.pdf1668 days209.94 KB
sem_10_2019_matlab2.pdf1645 days493.63 KB
sem_10_2019_matlab2.zip1285 days3.14 KB
Extra homeworks (not compulsary)
xtra_hw_dynamical_system_simulations.pdf1644 days173.68 KB
xtra_hw_linear_algebra.pdf1644 days337.11 KB
Extra material and tutorial
xtra_material_Convex_optimization.pdf1993 days370.89 KB
xtra_material_DC_motor_model.pdf1993 days302.86 KB
xtra_material_Dissipativity_L2gain_LTI_LPV.pdf1993 days316.85 KB
xtra_material_Dissipativity_L2gain_LTI_LPV_dark.pdf1993 days3.02 MB
xtra_material_Laplace_table.pdf1993 days98.74 KB
xtra_material_lqservo.pdf1993 days30.01 KB
Model descriptions
xtra_model_crane.pdf1644 days217.07 KB
xtra_model_double_crane.pdf1993 days318.02 KB
xtra_model_gantry_crane_Ospina_Henao.pdf1993 days686.56 KB
midterm seating
zh1_seating.pdf1673 days28.51 KB
zh2_seating.pdf1673 days26.85 KB

Important built-in linear algebra functions:

Important functions of Matlab's Symbolic Math Toolbox (SMT):

Important function of the Control System Toolbox:

Important built-in linear algebra functions:

  • r = rank(A) - Compute the rank of matrix A
  • Ker = null(A) - Compute an orthonormal basis for the kernel space of matrix A
  • Im = orth(A) - Compute an orthonormal basis for the image space of matrix A using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
  • A_GJ = orth(A) - Compute the reduced row echelon form of matrix A (Gauss-Jordan elimination)

Seminar 1. - Laplace transformation, non-dimensional ODEs

Matlab examples

  1. Compute a polynomial division (see lecture notes nr. 3).
  2. Compute the partial fractional decomposition of $H(s) = \frac{5s^2+3s+1}{s^3+6s^2+11s+6}$.

    syms s
    H = (5*s^2 + 3*s + 1)/(s^3 + 6*s^2 + 11*s + 6);

    ans = 3/(2*(s + 1)) - 15/(s + 2) + 37/(2*(s + 3))
    $H(s) = \frac{3}{2(s+1)}-\frac{15}{s+2}+\frac{37}{2(s+3)}$

  3. Compute the Laplace transformation of $h(t) = \cos(at)+\sin(at)+e^{-ct}\cos(bt)+e^{-ft}\sin(et)$.

    syms t a b c e f
    h = cos(a*t) + sin(a*t) + exp(-c*t)*cos(b*t) + exp(-f*t)*sin(e*t)

    ans = a/(a^2 + t^2) + (c + t)/((c + t)^2 + b^2) + e/((f + t)^2 + e^2)
    $H(s) = \frac{a}{a^2+t^2}+\frac{t}{a^2+t^2}+\frac{c+t}{{(c+t)}^2+b^2}+\frac{e}{{(f+t)}^2+e^2}$

  4. Compute the inverse Laplave transformation of $H(s) = \frac{1}{s^2 + s + 1}$.

    syms s

            $h(t) = \frac{2\sqrt{3}{e}^{-\frac{t}{2}}\sin(\frac{\sqrt{3}t}{2})}{3}$

Seminar 3. - System representations

Matlab examples

  1. Give a possible stat-space realization for LTI system $H(s) = \frac{b(s)}{a(s)}$.

    b = [1 0 1]; a = [1 0 2 3 2];
    H = tf(b,a)
    H =
             s^2 + 1
      s^4 + 2 s^2 + 3 s + 2
    Continuous-time transfer function.
    sys = ss(H)
    sys =
      A =
             x1    x2    x3    x4
       x1     0    -1  -1.5    -1
       x2     2     0     0     0
       x3     0     1     0     0
       x4     0     0     1     0
      B =
       x1   1
       x2   0
       x3   0
       x4   0
      C =
            x1   x2   x3   x4
       y1    0  0.5    0  0.5
      D =
       y1   0
    Continuous-time state-space model.
    [A,B,C,D] = ssdata(sys)
    A =
             0   -1.0000   -1.5000   -1.0000
        2.0000         0         0         0
             0    1.0000         0         0
             0         0    1.0000         0
    B =
    C =
             0    0.5000         0    0.5000
    D =

  2. Compute the transfer function representation of an LTI system given by a state-space realization $(A,B,C,D)$.

    A = randn(6); B = randn(6,2); C = randn(3,6); D = zeros(3,2);
    sys = ss(A,B,C,D)
    sys =
      A =
                 x1        x2        x3        x4        x5        x6
       x1   -0.1241    0.7172    0.2939    -2.944   -0.1022   -0.1649
       x2      1.49      1.63   -0.7873     1.438   -0.2414    0.6277
       x3     1.409    0.4889    0.8884    0.3252    0.3192     1.093
       x4     1.417     1.035    -1.147   -0.7549    0.3129     1.109
       x5    0.6715    0.7269    -1.069      1.37   -0.8649   -0.8637
       x6    -1.207   -0.3034   -0.8095    -1.712  -0.03005   0.07736
      B =
                  u1         u2
       x1     -1.214    -0.2256
       x2     -1.114      1.117
       x3  -0.006849     -1.089
       x4      1.533    0.03256
       x5    -0.7697     0.5525
       x6     0.3714      1.101
      C =
                x1       x2       x3       x4       x5       x6
       y1    1.544  -0.7423  -0.6156   0.8886   -1.422  -0.1961
       y2  0.08593   -1.062   0.7481  -0.7648   0.4882    1.419
       y3   -1.492     2.35  -0.1924   -1.402  -0.1774   0.2916
      D =
           u1  u2
       y1   0   0
       y2   0   0
       y3   0   0
    Continuous-time state-space model.
    H = tf(sys)
    H =
      From input 1 to output...
              1.34 s^5 - 11.81 s^4 + 51.54 s^3 - 67.91 s^2 + 15.52 s + 8.946
       1:  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
           s^6 - 0.852 s^5 + 2.835 s^4 - 11.81 s^3 + 8.768 s^2 + 5.545 s - 5.529
             0.05174 s^5 + 1.64 s^4 + 26.25 s^3 - 30.64 s^2 - 15.04 s + 10.24
       2:  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
           s^6 - 0.852 s^5 + 2.835 s^4 - 11.81 s^3 + 8.768 s^2 + 5.545 s - 5.529
             -2.709 s^5 + 12.98 s^4 - 52.9 s^3 + 73.51 s^2 - 0.02814 s - 32.15
       3:  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
           s^6 - 0.852 s^5 + 2.835 s^4 - 11.81 s^3 + 8.768 s^2 + 5.545 s - 5.529
      From input 2 to output...
              -1.48 s^5 + 1.224 s^4 - 31.77 s^3 + 47.39 s^2 - 4.437 s - 12.79
       1:  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
           s^6 - 0.852 s^5 + 2.835 s^4 - 11.81 s^3 + 8.768 s^2 + 5.545 s - 5.529
             -0.2133 s^5 - 3.697 s^4 - 14.09 s^3 + 15.6 s^2 + 4.706 s - 7.059
       2:  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
           s^6 - 0.852 s^5 + 2.835 s^4 - 11.81 s^3 + 8.768 s^2 + 5.545 s - 5.529
              3.35 s^5 - 0.9953 s^4 + 37.94 s^3 - 58.62 s^2 - 7.658 s + 25.87
       3:  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
           s^6 - 0.852 s^5 + 2.835 s^4 - 11.81 s^3 + 8.768 s^2 + 5.545 s - 5.529
    Continuous-time transfer function.
    [b,a] = tfdata(H)
    b =
      3×2 cell array
        {1×7 double}    {1×7 double}
        {1×7 double}    {1×7 double}
        {1×7 double}    {1×7 double}
    a =
      3×2 cell array
        {1×7 double}    {1×7 double}
        {1×7 double}    {1×7 double}
        {1×7 double}    {1×7 double}

Seminar 4. - Controllability, observability

Matlab examples

  1. Compute the controllable and unobservable subspace of LTI state-space model $(A,B,C,D)$.

    A = [1 2 -2 ; 0 1 0 ; 1 0 1]; B = [0 0 2]'; C = [1 0 0]; D = 0;
    Cn = ctrb(A,B), rank(Cn)
    Cn =
         0    -4    -8
         0     0     0
         2     2    -2
    ans = 2
    Ctrb_Subsp = orth(Cn)
    Ctrb_Subsp =
        0.9933   -0.1153
             0         0
        0.1153    0.9933
    Ctrb_Subsp = orth(sym(Cn))
    Ctrb_Subsp =
    [ 0, -1]
    [ 0,  0]
    [ 1,  0]
    On = obsv(A,C), rank(On)
    On =
         1     0     0
         1     2    -2
        -1     4    -4
    ans = 2
    Unobsv_Subsp = null(On)
    Unobsv_Subsp =
    Unobsv_Subsp = null(sym(On))
    Unobsv_Subsp =

Published Matlab scripts

  1. Manipulations with Matlab's Symbolic Math Toolbox: d2017_09_14_gyak1. Basic symbolic routines, Laplace transformation, inverse Laplace transformation, partial fractional decomposition.
  2. State-space transformations: d2017_09_19_gyak2.
    Dynamic systems simulations:
  3. Analysis in frequency/operator domain
  4. Controllability, observability, subspaces: d2017_10_02_gyak4_subspaces.
    Geometrical meaning, staircase forms: d2017_10_04_gyak4_ctrb_obsb_geometrical_meaning.
    Fundamental theorem of the linear argebra, demonstration: d2017_10_05_gyak4_basicthm_LA.
  5. Lyapunov function demonstration for a non-proper Lyapunov function (Hamiltonian system): d2017_10_11_gyak5_Lyapunov_improper.
    Lyapunov function demonstration for the pendulum system: d2017_10_11_gyak5_Lyapunov_pendulum_plain_vid
  6. Matlab solutions of former homeworks (2017 fall)

Control systems demonstrations

Inverted pendulum model (inverz inga modell)
  1. Model description and task sheet for the first Matlab practice: sem_08_2019_matlab1.pdf
  2. Framework for the first Matlab practice
  3. Model description and task sheet for the first Matlab practice: sem_10_2019_matlab2.pdf
  4. Framework for the second Matlab practice
  5. Model linearization around stable and unstable equilibrium point, simulation and analysis.
  6. Inverted pendulum control and integral reference tracking.
  7. Inverted pendulum control and integral reference tracking (augmented, corrected).
  8. Inverted pendulum nonlinear control - 2018.07.30. (július 30, hétfő), 11:02
  9. Advanced Nonlinear Control Methods (PhD course): Inverted pendulum linearization (Symbolic Math Toolbox) and pole placement
  10. Advanced Nonlinear Control Methods (PhD course): Inverted pendulum linearization (with uncertain frictional coefficient) - feedback design for LPV with LMIs
Crane model (rakodó daru modellje)
  1. Model description and derivation using calculus of variations (ccs_model_crane.pdf)
  2. State space model derivation using symbolic computations
  3. Simulink model and simulation (without control): sim_nonlinear_model_demo

Recommended literature

Andrew_Lewis_A_Mathematical_Approach_to_Classical_Control.pdf1993 days9.32 MB
Scherer.Weiland_2000_Linear_Matrix_Inequalities_in_Control.pdf1993 days1.25 MB
The_Fundamental_Theorem_of_Linear_Algebra.pdf1993 days330.57 KB

Extra material for the midterm tests

Former midterm examples
2014_ccs_1zh_A_feladatsor.pdf1993 days213.5 KB
2014_ccs_1zh_B_feladatsor.pdf1993 days201.93 KB
2015_ccs_1zh_elm.pdf1993 days111.9 KB
2015_ccs_1zh_gyak_MO.pdf1993 days124.17 KB
2015_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days104.75 KB
2015_ccs_2zh_gyak_MO.pdf1993 days114.2 KB
2015_ccs_gyakorlo_zh.pdf1993 days104.09 KB
2016_ccs_1zh_elm.pdf1993 days97.13 KB
2016_ccs_1zh_gyak.pdf1993 days84.4 KB
2016_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days83.64 KB
2016_ccs_2zh_gyak.pdf1993 days103.98 KB
2017a_ccs_1zh_computational.pdf1993 days87.01 KB
2017a_ccs_1zh_theoretical.pdf1993 days111.83 KB
2017a_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days104.28 KB
2017a_ccs_2zh_gyak.pdf1993 days131.4 KB
2017b_ccs_1zh_elm.pdf1993 days76.62 KB
2017b_ccs_1zh_elm_SOL.pdf1993 days136.01 KB
2017b_ccs_1zh_gyak.pdf1993 days90.72 KB
2017b_ccs_2zh.pdf1993 days162.78 KB
2017b_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days62.41 KB
2017b_ccs_2zh_gyak.pdf1993 days87.26 KB
2018_ccs_zh1_elm.pdf2031 days104.3 KB
2018_ccs_zh1_gyak.pdf2031 days107.2 KB
2018_ccs_zh2_elm.pdf1989 days90.57 KB
2018_ccs_zh2_gyak.pdf1989 days163.59 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_elm.pdf1666 days108.05 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_gyak.pdf1669 days112.16 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_gyak_MO.pdf1667 days175.28 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_gyak_TG.pdf1665 days122.07 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_gyak_TG_MO.pdf1669 days124.27 KB
Additional material
kawski_Lyapunov1.pdf1993 days481.87 KB
kawski_Lyapunov2.pdf1993 days262.33 KB

Extra material for the supplementary midterm

2015_ccs_potzh_elm.pdf1993 days101.32 KB
2015_ccs_potzh_gyak_MO.pdf1993 days117.14 KB
2016_ccs_potzh_elm.pdf1993 days96.75 KB
2016_ccs_potzh_elm_en.pdf1620 days100.7 KB
2016_ccs_potzh_gyak.pdf1993 days82.16 KB
2016_ccs_potzh_gyak_en.pdf1620 days84.95 KB
2017a_ccs_potzh.pdf1993 days139.12 KB
2017b_ccs_potpotzh .pdf1993 days117.83 KB
2017b_ccs_potzh.pdf1993 days85.86 KB
2018_ccs_potzh_elm.pdf1975 days91.27 KB
2018_ccs_potzh_gyak.pdf1975 days109.1 KB

Computer controlled systems (2018)

Lecture notes of the seminar

ccs_gyak02.pdf1941 days396.26 KB
ccs_hf3.pdf1645 days271.82 KB
hw_1_2018.pdf1993 days184.01 KB
hw_1_2018_sol_VM.pdf1993 days151 KB
hw_2_2018.pdf1993 days203.32 KB
hw_2_2018_sol_VM.pdf1993 days143.9 KB
hw_3_2018.pdf1993 days200.6 KB
hw_4_2018.pdf1992 days192.44 KB
hw_x_2018.pdf1993 days232.88 KB
hw_x_2018_extended_deadline.pdf1993 days232.88 KB
Matlab packages for TP students
lab_02_2018_TP_2018_09_18.zip1285 days323.69 KB
lab_02_2018_TP_exercises_for_Matlab_practice.pdf1993 days347.61 KB
lab_08_2018_TP_2018_11_06.zip1285 days1.75 MB
Lecture slides
lec_01_2018.pdf1993 days4.53 MB
lec_02_2018.pdf1993 days463.09 KB
lec_03_2018.pdf1993 days906.03 KB
lec_04_2018.pdf1993 days405.57 KB
lec_05_2018.pdf1993 days1017.58 KB
lec_06_2018.pdf1993 days991.21 KB
lec_07_2018.pdf1993 days1.63 MB
lec_08_2018.pdf1993 days1.09 MB
lec_09_2018.pdf1993 days1.03 MB
sem_01_2018.pdf1993 days444.77 KB
sem_02_2018.pdf1993 days386.85 KB
sem_03_2018.pdf1993 days441.7 KB
sem_04_2018.pdf1993 days540.02 KB
sem_05_2018.pdf1993 days459.25 KB
sem_06_2018.pdf1993 days399.38 KB
sem_08_2018_matlab1.pdf1993 days311.63 KB
sem_09_2018.pdf1992 days210.95 KB
sem_10_2018_matlab2.pdf1993 days493.54 KB
sem_11_2018.pdf1987 days234.97 KB
Extra material and tutorial
xtra_material_Convex_optimization.pdf1993 days370.89 KB
xtra_material_DC_motor_model.pdf1993 days302.86 KB
xtra_material_Dissipativity_L2gain_LTI_LPV.pdf1993 days316.85 KB
xtra_material_Dissipativity_L2gain_LTI_LPV_dark.pdf1993 days3.02 MB
xtra_material_Laplace_table.pdf1993 days98.74 KB
xtra_material_lqservo.pdf1993 days30.01 KB
Model descriptions
xtra_model_crane.pdf1993 days217.4 KB
xtra_model_double_crane.pdf1993 days318.02 KB
xtra_model_gantry_crane_Ospina_Henao.pdf1993 days686.56 KB

Extra material

Former midterm examples
2014_ccs_1zh_A_feladatsor.pdf1993 days213.5 KB
2014_ccs_1zh_B_feladatsor.pdf1993 days201.93 KB
2015_ccs_1zh_elm.pdf1993 days111.9 KB
2015_ccs_1zh_gyak_MO.pdf1993 days124.17 KB
2015_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days104.75 KB
2015_ccs_2zh_gyak_MO.pdf1993 days114.2 KB
2015_ccs_gyakorlo_zh.pdf1993 days104.09 KB
2016_ccs_1zh_elm.pdf1993 days97.13 KB
2016_ccs_1zh_gyak.pdf1993 days84.4 KB
2016_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days83.64 KB
2016_ccs_2zh_gyak.pdf1993 days103.98 KB
2017a_ccs_1zh_computational.pdf1993 days87.01 KB
2017a_ccs_1zh_theoretical.pdf1993 days111.83 KB
2017a_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days104.28 KB
2017a_ccs_2zh_gyak.pdf1993 days131.4 KB
2017b_ccs_1zh_elm.pdf1993 days76.62 KB
2017b_ccs_1zh_elm_SOL.pdf1993 days136.01 KB
2017b_ccs_1zh_gyak.pdf1993 days90.72 KB
2017b_ccs_2zh.pdf1993 days162.78 KB
2017b_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days62.41 KB
2017b_ccs_2zh_gyak.pdf1993 days87.26 KB
2018_ccs_zh1_elm.pdf2031 days104.3 KB
2018_ccs_zh1_gyak.pdf2031 days107.2 KB
2018_ccs_zh2_elm.pdf1989 days90.57 KB
2018_ccs_zh2_gyak.pdf1989 days163.59 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_elm.pdf1666 days108.05 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_gyak.pdf1669 days112.16 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_gyak_MO.pdf1667 days175.28 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_gyak_TG.pdf1665 days122.07 KB
2019_ccs_zh1_gyak_TG_MO.pdf1669 days124.27 KB
Additional material
kawski_Lyapunov1.pdf1993 days481.87 KB
kawski_Lyapunov2.pdf1993 days262.33 KB

TP Seminar 1. (2018-09-11)

Basic linear algebra, Labplace transformation, solution of ODEs with Laplace transformation.

TP Seminar 2. (2018-09-18), Matlab practice


Solved Matlab exercises:

  1. Basic linear algebra operations
  2. Dynamic systems' simulation in Matlab
  3. Also consider: approximate solution of the heat equation with ode45 by considering the discretization along the spacial coordinate. (See also: solution using pdepe.)

Important built-in linear algebra functions:

TP Seminar 3. (2018-09-25), Convex optimization

Convex optimization, primal-dual problem, introductio to LMIs.

Recommended literature: Scherer.Weiland_2000_Linear_Matrix_Inequalities_in_Control.pdf

Handwritten lecture notes: dark, original

TP Seminar 4. (2018-10-02)

System inversion of minimum phase SISO systems

TP Seminar 5. (2018-10-09)

Observability, controllability, model transformation into/from different model representations. Controllability staircase form.

TP Seminar 6. (2018-10-16), Dissipativity, stability

Dissipativity, stability, estimating induced $\mathcal L_2$ operator gain for LTI and affine LPV systems.

Recommended literature: Scherer.Weiland_2000_Linear_Matrix_Inequalities_in_Control.pdf

Handwritten lecture notes: dark, original

TP Seminar 8. (2018-11-06), Controllability and observability with LMIs


  1. Compute controllability and observability staircase form for LTI systems and check their stabilisability and detectability.
  2. Check stabilisability and detectability of LTI and affine LPV systems with LMIs (and design state feedback gain K and observer gain L).
  3. Estimate the induced L2 operator norm of LTI and affine LPV systems using LMIs.
  4. Design an optimal state feedback gain for LIT and affine LPV systems that minimizes the induced L2 operator norm.

Package for Matlab practice: lab_08_2018_TP_2018_11_06.zip

Things to do:

  1. Extract the zip file.
  2. Run Matlab in the root folder (ccs_lec8_2018_11_06) of the zip file, or navigate to the given directory in Matlab and run the startup script.
  3. To test your environment run yalmiptest.

Published Matlab scripts:

  1. Check if stabilisable (Success)
  2. Check if stabilisable (Infeasible)
  3. Affine LPV system computations with LMIs

Published Matlab scripts

  1. Manipulations with Matlab's Symbolic Math Toolbox: d2017_09_14_gyak1. Basic symbolic routines, Laplace transformation, inverse Laplace transformation, partial fractional decomposition.
  2. State-space transformations: d2017_09_19_gyak2.
    Dynamic systems simulations:
  3. Analysis in frequency/operator domain
  4. Controllability, observability, subspaces: d2017_10_02_gyak4_subspaces.
    Geometrical meaning, staircase forms: d2017_10_04_gyak4_ctrb_obsb_geometrical_meaning.
    Fundamental theorem of the linear argebra, demonstration: d2017_10_05_gyak4_basicthm_LA.
  5. Lyapunov function demonstration for a non-proper Lyapunov function (Hamiltonian system): d2017_10_11_gyak5_Lyapunov_improper.
    Lyapunov function demonstration for the pendulum system: d2017_10_11_gyak5_Lyapunov_pendulum_plain_vid
  6. Matlab solutions of homeworks (2017 fall)

Control systems demonstrations

Inverted pendulum model (inverz inga modell)
  1. Model description and derivation using calculus of variations: coming spoon.
  2. Model linearization around stable and unstable equilibrium point, simulation and analysis.
  3. Framework for the first Matlab practice
  4. Model description and task sheet for the first Matlab practice: ccs_gyak08_matlabgyak1.pdf
  5. Framework for the second Matlab practice
  6. Model description and task sheet for the first Matlab practice: ccs_gyak08_matlabgyak2.pdf
  7. Inverted pendulum control and integral reference tracking.
  8. Inverted pendulum control and integral reference tracking (augmented, corrected).
  9. Inverted pendulum nonlinear control - 2018.07.30. (július 30, hétfő), 11:02
  10. Advanced Nonlinear Control Methods (PhD course): Inverted pendulum linearization (Symbolic Math Toolbox) and pole placement
  11. Advanced Nonlinear Control Methods (PhD course): Inverted pendulum linearization (with uncertain frictional coefficient) - feedback design for LPV with LMIs
Crane model (rakodó daru modellje)
  1. Model description and derivation using calculus of variations (ccs_model_crane.pdf)
  2. State space model derivation using symbolic computations
  3. Simulink model and simulation (without control): sim_nonlinear_model_demo

Computer controlled systems (2017 fall)


Events (midterms)

Lecture notes of the seminar

Midterm sample test sheets for the 2nd midterm
2015_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days104.75 KB
2015_ccs_2zh_gyak_MO.pdf1993 days114.2 KB
2015_ccs_gyakorlo_zh.pdf1993 days104.09 KB
2015_ccs_potzh_gyak_MO.pdf1993 days117.14 KB
2016_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days83.64 KB
2016_ccs_2zh_gyak.pdf1993 days103.98 KB
2017_ccs_2zh_elm.pdf1993 days104.28 KB
2017_ccs_2zh_gyak.pdf1993 days131.4 KB
Lecture notes
ccs_gyak01.pdf1993 days311.19 KB
ccs_gyak02.pdf1993 days407.6 KB
ccs_gyak02_eng.pdf1993 days261.36 KB
ccs_gyak03.pdf1993 days441.73 KB
ccs_gyak04.pdf1993 days539.06 KB
ccs_gyak05.pdf1993 days459.68 KB
ccs_gyak06.pdf1993 days399.69 KB
ccs_gyak07.pdf1993 days260.77 KB
ccs_gyak08_matlabgyak1.pdf1993 days184.64 KB
ccs_gyak09.pdf1993 days150.44 KB
ccs_gyak10_matlabgyak2.pdf1993 days390.06 KB
ccs_gyak11.pdf1993 days181.51 KB
ccs_gyakorlo.pdf1993 days114.22 KB
Homework exercises
ccs_hf1.pdf1993 days351.62 KB
ccs_hf1_mo.pdf1993 days371 KB
ccs_hf2.pdf1993 days239.88 KB
ccs_hf2_mo.pdf1993 days289.16 KB
ccs_hf3 másolata.pdf1993 days224.15 KB
ccs_hf3.pdf1993 days224.15 KB
ccs_hf3_mo.pdf1993 days231.13 KB
ccs_hf4.pdf1993 days94.95 KB
ccs_lec01.pdf1993 days445.89 KB
ccs_lec02.pdf1993 days263.84 KB
ccs_lec02_v2.pdf1993 days261.76 KB
Model descriptions
ccs_model_crane.pdf1993 days217.4 KB
ccs_model_double_crane.pdf1993 days318.02 KB
ccs_model_gantry_crane_Ospina_Henao.pdf1993 days686.56 KB
ccs_segedlet_Matrixok.pdf1993 days141.88 KB
Extra material and tutorial
segedlet_Laplace_table.pdf1993 days98.74 KB
segedlet_szorgalmi_lqservo.pdf1993 days30.01 KB
midterm seating
zh1_beosztas.pdf1993 days44.72 KB
zh2_beosztas.pdf1993 days44.71 KB

Computer controlled systems (2017 spring)

week. Preliminaries

week. Laplace transformation

week. System representations

week. Controllability, observability

week. BIBO and Lyapunov stability