
Mathematica brochure


Trigonometric function: TrigReduce, TrigExpand, TrigFactor, TrigToExp.

Symbolic tensors operations: Inner, Outer, Dot, TensorProduct, TensorTranspose, TensorContract, TensorExpand, TensorReduce, TensorWedge, KroneckerProduct.

Basic functions: Total, MapThread, Level.

Functions from Mathematica tutorial: TreeForm, Manipulate, FinFunction, GeoElevationData, Apply, Plus, MatrixForm, Sequence, Attribures, SetAttributes, Listable, Clear, ClearAll, Remove, NestList, NestWhileList, Table, ComplexPlot, I, Re, Im, ReIm, Abs, Arg, AbsArg, Plot3D, BoxRations, ContourPlot, Contours, Show, Graphics, Point, NSolve, Flatten, ListDensityPlot, DensityPlot3D.

Syntactical things: Function, Sequence, Association, Apply, Map, Operate, Slot, Placeholder, Through.

Mathematica special characters and shorthand notations.

Keyboard shortcuts


(* Generate matrix *)
Array[Subscript[a,##]&,{2,3}] // MatrixForm

Function: Apply.

Apply[#1^#2&, {2,3}]
(* vagy *)

Function Flatten is equivalent with Matlab's A(:),
Function Array is equivalent with Matlab's linspace.