Script gyak5_BIBO
file: gyak5_BIBO.m author: Peter Polcz <>
Created on 2017.03.16. Thursday, 18:59:45
global SCOPE_DEPTH SCOPE_DEPTH = 0; TMP_QVgVGfoCXYiYXzPhvVPX = pcz_dispFunctionName; try c = evalin('caller','persist'); catch; c = []; end persist = pcz_persist(mfilename('fullpath'), c); clear c; persist.backup(); %clear persist
┌gyak5_BIBO │ - Persistence for `gyak5_BIBO` reused (inherited) [run ID: 6901, 2017.03.16. Thursday, 20:08:34] │ - Script `gyak5_BIBO` backuped
System operator norm
s = tf('s'); H = (4 + s) / (2 + s + s^2) [Hinf,peak_freq] = norm(H,Inf) T = 12; freqspan = [0.1 100]; [h,t] = impulse(H,T); h_norm1 = trapz(t,abs(h)) figure('Position', [ 430 247 1218 355 ], 'Color', [1 1 1]), subplot(121) bopts = bodeoptions; bopts.MagUnits = 'abs'; bopts.PhaseUnits = 'rad'; bopts.XLim = freqspan; plot(freqspan, [1 1]*Hinf,'r:', 'LineWidth', 1.5), hold on plot([1 1]*peak_freq, [-10 10], 'r:', 'LineWidth', 1.5) bodeplot(H,bopts); ptitle(sprintf('$%s = %g$ (peak gain marked by red dotted line)','\\mathcal{H}_\\infty', Hinf)) grid on subplot(122), hold on plot(t,h) plot(t([1,end]),[1 1]*dcgain(s*H),':','Color',[1 1 1]*0.5, 'LineWidth',2), xlim([0,T]) ptitle(sprintf('$%s = %g$', '\\int_0^\\infty |h(t)| {\\rm d} t', h_norm1)) grid on
H = s + 4 ----------- s^2 + s + 2 Continuous-time transfer function. Hinf = 3.1625 peak_freq = 1.2257 h_norm1 = 3.8706 Warning: Error updating Text. String must have valid interpreter syntax: $\mathcal{H}_\infty = 3.16249$ (peak gain marked by red dotted line) Warning: Error updating Text. String must have valid interpreter syntax: $\mathcal{H}_\infty = 3.16249$ (peak gain marked by red dotted line)

End of the script.
└ 1.5828 [sec]