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Polcz Péter honlapja


Isidori I., Example 4.1.4. Feedback linearization

Teljes Matlab script kiegészítő függvényekkel.

Coordinate transformation, feedback linearization and zero dynamics.

File: ccs_nonlin_Isidori_Ex414_feedbacklin.m
Directory: 4_gyujtemegy/11_CCS/_2_nonlin-pannon/2018
Author: Peter Polcz (ppolcz@gmail.com)
Created on 2018. July 29.

Prerequisites (1st Matlab practice)

  1. Basic symbolic operations
  2. Lie derivative and Lie bracket
  3. Nonlinear state transformation
  4. Pole placement and LQR controller
  5. Dynamical systems' simulation with Simulink
  6. Solving general transport PDE with Mathematica

Addition Mathematica calculations

Published Mathematica notebook: Integral_PDE_Public.pdf.

You can download the source notebook: Integral_PDE_Public.nb

Model description

syms t u v real
syms x1 x2 x3 real
syms z1 z2 z3 real

x = [x1 ; x2 ; x3];
z = [z1 ; z2 ; z3];

d = @(g) jacobian(g,x);
Lie = @(f,g) d(g)*f;
br = @(f,g) d(g)*f - d(f)*g;

f = [ -x1 ; x1*x2 ; x2 ];
g = [ exp(x2) ; 1 ; 0 ];
h = x3;

phi3 = 1 + x1 - exp(x2);

Phi = [
Phi_fh = matlabFunction(Phi, 'vars', {x});

% Compute equilibrium point
sol = struct2cell(solve(f,x));
xeq = [ sol{:} ]';
zeq = Phi_fh(xeq);

% Quick check: should be zero
% Lie(g,phi3)
\begin{align}\Phi(x) = \left(\begin{array}{c} x_{3}\\ x_{2}\\ x_{1}-{\mathrm{e}}^{x_{2}}+1 \end{array}\right)\end{align}

Quick check

\begin{align}L_g \phi_3(x) = 0\end{align}

$\phi_3(x)$ is given by Isidori, but anyone can check that this is indeed a solution for the PDE. This solution can also be computed by Mathematica.

Phi_inv = struct2cell(solve(z-Phi, x));
Phi_inv = [ Phi_inv{:} ]';
Phi_inv_fh = matlabFunction(Phi_inv, 'vars', {z});

Check if it is indeed the good inverse: $\Phi\big(Phi^{-1}(z)\big) = z$ and $\Phi^{-1}\big(\Phi(x)\big) = x$

ans =
ans =
\begin{align}\Phi^{-1}(z) = \left(\begin{array}{c} z_{3}+{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}-1\\ z_{2}\\ z_{1} \end{array}\right)\end{align}

Coordinate transformation

b = Lie(f, Lie(f,h));
a = Lie(g, Lie(f,h));
q3 = Lie(f, Phi(3));
\begin{align}b(x) = x_{1}\,x_{2},~ a(x) = 1,~ q_3(x) = -x_{1}-x_{1}\,x_{2}\,{\mathrm{e}}^{x_{2}}\end{align}
b = subs(b, x, Phi_inv);
a = subs(a, x, Phi_inv);
q3 = subs(q3, x, Phi_inv);
\begin{align}b(z) = z_{2}\,\left(z_{3}+{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}-1\right),~ a(z) = 1,~ q_3(z) = 1-{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}-z_{2}\,{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}\,\left(z_{3}+{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}-1\right)-z_{3}\end{align}
dz = simplify([ z2 ; collect(b+a*u,u) ; q3 ]);

System dynamics in the new coordinates

\begin{align}\dot z = \left(\begin{array}{c} z_{2}\\ u+z_{2}\,\left(z_{3}+{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}-1\right)\\ -\left(z_{2}\,{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}+1\right)\,\left(z_{3}+{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}-1\right) \end{array}\right)\end{align}

Linearizing feedback design

u_fdb = a \ (-b + v);
\begin{align}u = v-z_{2}\,\left(z_{3}+{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}-1\right)\end{align}

Closed loop

dz_fdb = simplify(subs(dz, u, u_fdb));
\begin{align}\dot z = \left(\begin{array}{c} z_{2}\\ v\\ -\left(z_{2}\,{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}+1\right)\,\left(z_{3}+{\mathrm{e}}^{z_{2}}-1\right) \end{array}\right)\end{align}

Zero dynamics

Zero_dynamics = simplify(subs(dz_fdb(3), [z ; v], [zeq ; 0]));

The zero dynamics is stable in the origin.

\begin{align}\dot z_3 = 0\end{align}

Linearized dynamics

Overall dynamics without the zero dynamics.

A = [
    0 1
    0 0

B = [

C = [ 1 0 ];

sys = ss(A,B,C,0);

s = tf('s');

H = tf(sys)

eps1 = 0.01;
eps2 = 0.01;

H_control = s^2/(eps1*s^2 + eps2*s + 1);

He = minreal(feedback(H*H_control,1))

[POLES, ZEROS] = pzmap(He)
H =
Continuous-time transfer function.

He =
  s^2 + s + 200
Continuous-time transfer function.

  -0.5000 +14.1333i
  -0.5000 -14.1333i
  0×1 empty double column vector

Frequency domain controller for the integrator chain

Transfer function of the feedback controller $H(s) = \frac{s + 5}{\alpha s + 1}$.

Download model here: Isidori_Example414_PID.slx

Pole placement controller

Download model here:

  1. Isidori_Example414_state_feedback_R2015a.slx
  2. Isidori_Example414_state_feedback_R2015b.slx
  3. Isidori_Example414_state_feedback_R2016a.slx
  4. Isidori_Example414_state_feedback_R2016b.slx
  5. Isidori_Example414_state_feedback_R2017a.slx
  6. Isidori_Example414_state_feedback.slx (R2017b)

% State feedback gain designed by LQR
K = lqr(A,B,0.1*eye(2),1);

Pole placement controller with observer (just for fun)

Note that when a linearizing feedback is applied, we need to know the full state vector. But we can play a little bit, what if we forget the values of the state variables.

Download model here: Isidori_Example414_obs_state_feedback.slx

% Observer for integrator chain
L = place(A',C',[-2 -3])';

% State feedback gain designed by LQR
K = lqr(A,B,0.1*eye(2),1);