
Lyapunov function demonstration - improper LF

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In real life, we construct Lyapunov function to a specific system. In this script, only with the intention of demonstration, we generate a system to a specific Lyapunov function. This Lyapunov function is improper, since not all level-sets of the Lyapunov function are compact subsets of the state space.


x0 = [5.5;-0.4];
eigvals = [-0.01 -0.0];
T = 200;
xlims = [-2,6];
ylims = [-2,2];

Lyapunov function $V(x)$

syms alpha t x y real
r = [x;y]
r =

Consider the following Lyapunov function

V = alpha - (x + 1 + alpha) * exp(-x - 1 - alpha) / (1 + exp(-x - 1 - alpha)) + sqrt(y^2 + 1) / 2 - 1/2
V =
alpha + (y^2 + 1)^(1/2)/2 - (exp(- alpha - x - 1)*(alpha + x + 1))/(exp(- alpha - x - 1) + 1) - 1/2

Vector field $f(x)$

gradV = jacobian(V,r);
f = [ gradV(2) ; -gradV(1) ] + diag(eigvals)*r
f =
                                                                                                                                                                 y/(2*(y^2 + 1)^(1/2)) - x/100
 exp(- alpha - x - 1)/(exp(- alpha - x - 1) + 1) - (exp(- alpha - x - 1)*(alpha + x + 1))/(exp(- alpha - x - 1) + 1) + (exp(- 2*alpha - 2*x - 2)*(alpha + x + 1))/(exp(- alpha - x - 1) + 1)^2

The value of $\alpha$ is the value of a very special function in $e^{-1}$

alpha = lambertw(exp(-1));

We substitute the value of alpha into the functions

V_sym = subs(V);
f_sym = subs(f);

We generate Matlab typed function handles

V_fh = matlabFunction(V_sym, 'vars', r);
f_ode = matlabFunction(f_sym, 'vars', {t r});
f1_fh = matlabFunction(f_sym(1), 'vars', r);
f2_fh = matlabFunction(f_sym(2), 'vars', r);

Simulate the system $\dot x(t) = f(x(t)), ~ x(0) = x_0$, where $x_0$ is the initial condition

[tt,xx] = ode45(f_ode, [0, T], x0);

Compute the value of the Lyapunov function along the trajectory: $V(t) := V(x(t))$

V_xx = V_fh(xx(:,1), xx(:,2));

Create a meshgrid in order to plot the Lyapunov function

res = 300;
[x_mesh,y_mesh] = meshgrid(...
V_mesh = V_fh(x_mesh,y_mesh);
V_mesh(V_mesh > 0.5) = NaN;

Generate the vector field to visualize $f(x)$

res = 16;
[x_mesh2,y_mesh2] = meshgrid(...
v1 = f1_fh(x_mesh2,y_mesh2);
v2 = f2_fh(x_mesh2,y_mesh2);

Normalize the vector field in order that the directions of the trajectories be more visible

r = sqrt(v1.^2 + v2.^2);
v1 = v1 ./ r;
v2 = v2 ./ r;


figure('Position', [ 349 368 1238 583 ]),

subplot(1,3,[1 2])
view([ 40.9 , 34 ]), hold on, grid on
axis vis3d
plot(xx(:,1), xx(:,2),'linewidth',2)
plot(xx(1,1), xx(1,2),'.k','markersize',15)
plot3(xx(:,1), xx(:,2),V_xx,'linewidth',2)
plot3(xx(1,1), xx(1,2),V_xx(1),'.k','markersize',15)
shading interp
ax = gca;
ax.FontSize = 16;
quiver(x_mesh2,y_mesh2,v1,v2,0.5, 'Color', [1 1 1]*0.5);

plot(tt,V_xx), grid on
title('$V(t) := V(x(t))$', 'interpreter', 'latex','fontsize',22)
xlabel('time $t$ [s]', 'interpreter', 'latex','fontsize',22)
ax = gca;
ax.FontSize = 16;
% set(gcf,'Visible','on')