Severity: Warning
Message: fopen(/home/polpe/.phpsession/ci_session34b98393393b460b18d971d71bd9bdac5c12257e): failed to open stream: No space left on device
Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php
Line Number: 159
File: /home/polpe/public_html/application/controllers/Main.php
Line: 17
Function: library
File: /home/polpe/public_html/index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
# Install i3 and other important tools
sudo apt-get install i3 i3blocks jq rofi feh nitrogen xclip libgnome-keyring0
# Install useful KDE and other applications
sudo apt-get install krusader konsole kate gwenview okular evince ksysguard gnome-system-monitor systemsettings chromium-browser gimp spectacle darktable vlc
# Install utilities
sudo apt-get install ncdu meld apt-transport-https git tree clipit keditbookmarks
# Install pdftk
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:malteworld/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pdftk
# Install texlive
sudo apt-get install texlive-full pdfshufler
# Instal Apache2 MySQL server
sudo apt-get install apache2 php7.2 php-mysql mysql-server mysql-client
# Insall linux kernel headers
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
# Python
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
# Install Java
# Java 8 with Java FX is needed for JabRef
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre openjfx
# If openjfx for Java 11 is installed downgrade openjfx to Java 8 (this worked for me on Ubuntu 18.04.3)
sudo apt install openjfx=8u161-b12-1ubuntu2 libopenjfx-java=8u161-b12-1ubuntu2 libopenjfx-jni=8u161-b12-1ubuntu2
# Is it really necessary
sudo apt-get install xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin qt5ct breeze plasma-desktop
# Install java for OdsLoader
sudu apt-get install maven
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk # Figyelem JDK is kell
Configuration file: .i3/config.
2018.12.04. (december 4, kedd), 00:05 - no icons for KDE applications
Install breeze (or at least the related icons), systemsettings.
In systemsettings5: Fonts check force DPI and adjust it, also adjust the font sizes.
Adjust gnome font settings (TODO)
You can use xrandr --dpi 100
setxkbmap -layout hu -variant 102_qwerty_comma_dead
setxkbmap -layout hu
setxkbmap -layout us
For the most important i3 key bindings, I refer to i3 Reference Card.
In order to find out the key codes (keycode) and the their corresponding symbolical value (keysym), execute xmodmap -pke or xmodmap.
In order to list the available displays, you can execute xrandr.
Set display layout use:
xrandr --auto
xrandr --output eDP-1-1 --right-of VGA-1-1 --auto --dpi 100
or append the following lines to the config file
exec --no-startup-id xrandr --auto
exec --no-startup-id xrandr --output eDP-1-1 --right-of VGA-1-1 --auto --dpi 100
In order to simply change (globally) the font size, you can try the following, then restart i3 inplace (Mod+Shift+R).
xrandr --dpi 100
To make these settings permanent:
Xft.dpi: 100
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
exec i3
# ...
cvt 2560 1080 44 | cut -f2 -d$'\n'
cvt 2560 1080 60 | cut -f2 -d$'\n' | cut -f 3- -d' '
cvt 2560 1080 60 | cut -f2 -d$'\n' | cut -f2 -d' '
xrandr --newmod "2560x1080_60.00" 230.00 2560 2720 2992 3424 1080 1083 1093 1120 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --newmode "2560x1080_60.00" 230.00 2560 2720 2992 3424 1080 1083 1093 1120 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode HDMI-1-1 "2560x1080_60.00"
xrandr --output HDMI-1-1 --mode "2560x1080_60.00"
# setup my massive monitor at 45/60hz if its plugged in
RESOLUTION="2560 1080 60"
CONNECTED=$(xrandr --current | grep -i $OUTPUT | cut -f2 -d' ')
if [ "$CONNECTED" = "connected" ]; then
MODELINE=$(cvt $RESOLUTION | cut -f2 -d$'\n')
MODEDATA=$(echo $MODELINE | cut -f 3- -d' ')
MODENAME=$(echo $MODELINE | cut -f2 -d' ')
echo "Adding mode - " $MODENAME $MODEDATA
xrandr --newmode $MODENAME $MODEDATA
xrandr --addmode $OUTPUT $MODENAME
xrandr --output $OUTPUT --mode $MODENAME
echo "Monitor is not detected"
Split screen virtually: source
xrandr --setmonitor VIRT-LEFT 960/238x1080/286+0+0 eDP-1-1
xrandr --setmonitor VIRT-RIGHT-TOP 960/238x540/143+960+0 none
xrandr --setmonitor VIRT-RIGHT-BOT 960/238x540/143+960+540 none
You can choose to set manually the display brightness as follows (source):
echo 400 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
Note. Krusader --left and --rgiht does not like symbolic links! You can notice the the embedded terminal will not work properly.
Mod + Enter | open new terminal |
Mod + j | focus left |
Mod + k | focus down |
Mod + l | focus up |
Mod + ; | focus right |
Mod + a | focus parent |
Mod + Space | toggle focus mode |
Moving windows
Mod + Shift + j | move window left |
Mod + Shift + k | move window down |
Mod + Shift + l | move window up |
Mod + Shift + ; | move window right |
Modifying windows
Mod + f | toggle fullscreen |
Mod + v | split a window vertically |
Mod + h | split a window horizontally |
Mod + r | resize mode |
Changing the container layout
Mod + e | default |
Mod + s | stacking |
Mod + w | tabbed |
Mod + Shift + Space | toggle floating |
Mod + Click | drag floating |
Using workspaces
Mod + 0-9 | switch to another workspace |
Mod + Shift + 0-9 | move a window to another workspace |
Opening applications / Closing windows
Mod + d | open application launcher (dmenu) |
Mod + Shift + q | kill a window |
Restart / Exit
Mod + Shift + c | reload the configuration file |
Mod + Shift + r | restart i3 inplace |
Mod + Shift + e | exit i3 |
i3-msg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[]|"\(.name):\(.current_workspace)"' | grep -v ':null$' | awk -F ";" '{if (a[$1]=="") a[$1]=$0; else a[$1]=a[$1]";"$NF} END{for(i in a) print a[i]}'
i3-msg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[]|"\(.name):\(.current_workspace)"' | grep -v '^null:null$' | \
while read -r name current_workspace; do
echo "moving ${current_workspace} right..."
i3-msg workspace "${current_workspace}"
i3-msg move workspace to output right
Vagy: Nezd meg ezt is.