Script gyak5_Lebesgue_integral
file: gyak5_Lebesgue_integral.m author: Peter Polcz <>
Created on 2017.03.16. Thursday, 12:15:03
global SCOPE_DEPTH SCOPE_DEPTH = 0; TMP_QVgVGfoCXYiYXzPhvVPX = pcz_dispFunctionName; try c = evalin('caller','persist'); catch; c = []; end persist = pcz_persist(mfilename('fullpath'), c); clear c; persist.backup(); %clear persist
┌gyak5_Lebesgue_integral │ - Persistence for `gyak5_Lebesgue_integral` reused (inherited) [run ID: 6223, 2017.03.16. Thursday, 13:51:58] │ - Script `gyak5_Lebesgue_integral` backuped
xspan = [0,5];
resolution = 5000;
w_size = 121 * resolution / 1000;
w = hann(w_size);
w = w / sum(w);
f = conv(abs(randn(1,resolution+2*w_size)), w,'same') * 20;
f = f(w_size+1:resolution+w_size);
f = f - min(f) + rand;
x = linspace(xspan(1),xspan(2),resolution);
figure for n = 2:12 step_tiks = linspace(0,n,2^n+1)'; step = step_tiks(:,ones(1,resolution)); ff = f(ones(1,2^n+1),:); kul = step-ff; kul_prev = kul(:,1:end-1); kul_next = kul(:,2:end); kul_dot = max(kul_prev .* kul_next < 0,[],1); choose = -n/2^n <= kul & kul < 0; hatarok = x(max(kul_prev .* kul_next < 0,[],1)); s = sum(choose .* step,1); s(kul(end,:) < -n/2^n) = n; axismin = 0; axismax = floor(max(f)+1); Color_aux = [1 1 1]*0.8; hold off plot(x,f, 'LineWidth', 1.5), hold on S = plot(x,s, 'LineWidth', 1.5); if n < 7 plot(x,step, 'Color', Color_aux) plot([hatarok ; hatarok],repmat([axismin;axismax],size(hatarok)), 'Color', Color_aux) else grid on end plot(xspan,-[1 1]*n/2^n,'k') patch([x(1) x x(end)], [0 s 0], S.Color, 'FaceAlpha', 0.1) axis([xspan axismin axismax]) ptitle(sprintf('$n = %g$, $%s s ~%s m = %g$, $%s f ~%s m = %g$', ... n, '\\int', '{\\rm d}', trapz(x,s), '\\int', '{\\rm d}', trapz(x,f))) snapnow % waitforbuttonpress end
End of the script.
└ 4.1171 [sec]