Script Mityanak_anyag
file: Mityanak_anyag.m author: Peter Polcz <>
Created on 2017.03.17. Friday, 16:51:40
% Automatically generated stuff global SCOPE_DEPTH SCOPE_DEPTH = 0; TMP_qLzDQcOKbFimsFUlbIkC = pcz_dispFunctionName; try c = evalin('caller','persist'); catch; c = []; end persist = pcz_persist(mfilename('fullpath'), c); clear c; persist.backup(); %clear persist
┌Mityanak_anyag │ - Persistence for `Mityanak_anyag` reused (inherited) [run ID: 7409, 2017.03.17. Friday, 17:05:48] │ - Script `Mityanak_anyag` backuped
B = 3; A = [1 1 1]; H = tf(B,A); subplot(221), impulse(H) subplot(222), step(H) t = linspace(0,10,1000); u = sin(t) .* cos(10*t) + 0.01*rand; subplot(223), lsim(H,u,t) figure, bopts = bodeoptions; bopts.FreqScale = 'linear'; bopts.MagUnits = 'abs'; bopts.XLim = [0.1 10]; bodeplot(H,bopts)
B = [1 0 0]; A = conv([1 1 1],[1 1]); H = tf(B,A); subplot(121), impulse(H) subplot(122), step(H)
End of the script.
clear TMP_qLzDQcOKbFimsFUlbIkC
└ 5.7674 [sec]