Deep symbolic tricks
File: deep_symbolic_tricks.m
Author: Peter Polcz <>
Created on 2017. November 08.
Declare some symbolic scalar valued function
syms t x y z real
n = 2;
m = 3;
V = sym(zeros(2,3));
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:m
V(i,j) = str2sym(sprintf('V%d%d(t,x,y)',i,j));
Array of symbolic scalar valued functions (indexable):
V, V(1,2)
Array valued symbolic function (not indexable)
V(t,x,y) = V, V(3,1,2)
Convert back into an array of symbolic functions
V = V(t,x,y), V(1,3), dV = diff(V,x,y)
Array valued symbolic function (not indexable), but the argument is other than previously
V(t,y,z) = V, V(1,2,3)
Substritute a concrete function into V and
V12(t,x,y) = sin(x) * exp(-y)
V = subs(V), dV = subs(dV)